Peru La Florida


12 oz. Can

This shade grown coffee has a rich sweetness and brighter cup as a result of a slower maturation of its beans.

La Florida coffee cooperative was founded in 1966 in Perus Chanchamayo Valley region. Initially the cooperative consisted of 100 farmers, but just a few years later 1,900 farming families were working together through La Florida. The cooperative represents 36 communities including Peruvian Sierra colonies and indigenous groups of the valleys of Yurinaki, Ubiriki, Perene and the central upper Peruvian jungle. Over the past few decades, the group has achieved Fair Trade labelling status and organic certification for its members and has met the sustainability criteria required for Utz accreditation. Mindful of the environment, care is taken by La Florida during pulping, fermenting, and washing to protect the areas biodiversity and ancient forests, and to conserve soils.

Country: Peru La Florida
Region: Chanchamayo Valley
Altitude: 3900-5700 feet
Varietal: Typica, Bourbon, Pache, Caturra, Catimor
Process: Washed, Sun Dried