Mexican Chiapas


12 oz. Can

Chiapas is in a stage of renewal due to its organic, chemical-free coffee crops and growing reputation for superior quality beans.

Mexicos diverse geography, from the soaring altitudes of the countrys four mountain ranges to the beautiful coastal regions along the Pacific, supports diverse farming practices and a broad variety of crops. Chiapas is the countrys southernmost state, home to the Sierra Madre de Chiapas Mountain range. To its west are the coffee growing regions of Oaxaca and Vera Cruz, but it is the beans of Guatemalas Huehuetenango region, directly to the east, with which Chiapas coffee shares so much character. Farmers in Chiapas have begun a transition back to organic farming techniques as a way to achieve self-sufficiency and to create sustainability for their communities. The continued development of a network of Fair Trade farmers cooperatives is helping local people slowly improve their quality of life.

Country: Mexico
Region: Chiapas
Altitude: 1000-1500m
Varietal: Bourbon, Caturra, Mundo Novo, Maragogype
Process: Washed