Ethiopian Yirge Cheffe
12 oz. Can
Yirgacheffe coffee is wet processed, and is considered one of the premium, cleanest-cupping Ethiopian coffees.
Beans are hand-picked to ensure full ripeness, a huge benefit when cherries are fermented and washed of their pulp. The smallholders belong to the Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union, established in 1999 to facilitate the direct export of coffee produced by small farmers. The Union also ensures that Fairtrade premiums are directed towards community development; since 1999 they have overseen the construction of 11 primary schools, 3 secondary schools, a library and kindergarten, as well as further medical, office and agroindustrial infrastructure.
Country: Ethiopia
Region: Gedeo, Sidamo
Altitude: 3280-4920 feet
Varietal: Heirloom Ethiopian Arabica
Process: Wet Processed