Ethiopian Aramo Gayo


12 oz. Can

Amaro Gayo is exported through Ethiopia’s only female miller/exporter, Asnakech Thomas. She employs 32 full-time workers and another 200 seasonal workers at her site, located in the Amaro Mountains. Native to the region, Thomas returned to Ethiopia in 2005 to focus on improving coffee quality and living conditions for the community. All harvesting, sorting, and milling is done on site, giving her full control over her crops. Working to preserve the local resources, Amaro Gayo employs an “eco-friendly” pulping machine, which uses much less water than most mills. Different from a washed Ethiopian coffee, the Amaro Gayo natural packs a powerful combination of blackberry/blueberry flavors on top of the traditional citrus/grapefruit acidic notes usually found in that region’s beans.


Country: Ethiopia

Region: Amaro

Altitude: 5,200 feet

Varietal: Heirloom Ethiopia Arabica

Process: Natural